idVendor: 0x23A0 iManufacturer: BIFIT idProduct: 0x0002 iProduct: iBank2Key bcdDevice: 1.00 (firmware release?) bLength: 9 bDescriptorType: 4 bInterfaceNumber: 0 bAlternateSetting: 0 bNumEndpoints: 0 Control only bInterfaceClass: 0x0B [Chip Card Interface Device Class (CCID)] bInterfaceSubClass: 0 bInterfaceProtocol: 1 ICCD Version A, Control transfers, (no interrupt-IN) iInterface: iBank2Key CCID Class Descriptor bLength: 0x36 bDescriptorType: 0x21 bcdCCID: 1.10 bMaxSlotIndex: 0x00 bVoltageSupport: 0x01 5.0V dwProtocols: 0x0000 0x0001 T=0 dwDefaultClock: 3.580 MHz dwMaximumClock: 3.580 MHz bNumClockSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned) wrong size for GET CLOCK FREQUENCIES: 1 dwDataRate: 9600 bps dwMaxDataRate: 9600 bps bNumDataRatesSupported: 0 (will use whatever is returned) IFD does not support GET_DATA_RATES request: Success dwMaxIFSD: 64 dwSynchProtocols: 0x00000000 dwMechanical: 0x00000000 No special characteristics dwFeatures: 0x00000840 ....40 Automatic parameters negotiation made by the CCID ..08.. Unknown (ICCD?) 00.... Character level exchange dwMaxCCIDMessageLength: 271 bytes bClassGetResponse: 0xFF echoes the APDU class bClassEnvelope: 0xFF echoes the APDU class wLcdLayout: 0x0000 bPINSupport: 0x00 bMaxCCIDBusySlots: 1